Friday, May 6, 2011

I wish I was beautiful


According to, ugly is defined as...

1.very unattractive or unpleasant to look at; offensive to the sense of beauty; displeasing in appearance.
2.disagreeable; unpleasant; objectionable: ugly tricks; ugly discords.
3.morally revolting: ugly crime.

Don't look at me if you're looking for beauty.
If a guy tells you they don't care your appearance, 
for they just like you. Is all about you, not your beauty, 9 out of 10 will be telling lies. 
What kind of guys don't like a pretty girl? 
I just don't believe there's such a guy out there.

Starting from your hair to toe, he will looks for the perfection. 
A girl need to know what his boyfriend likes about her, so that she can maintain that to tackle his heart. 
But it's a fail for a girl if she does not know what he likes about her. 
I'm the one.

What he likes about me? I don't know. 
I was trying to make my own assumptions, but I get nothing in the end of the days. 
Why I was saying like this?

He said; You're ugly; maid; small kid; witch; etc...
He doesn't praise me anymore.
He doesn't admire me like the time he chase me anymore.
He changed.

I really hope I'm beautiful like the girls outside, 
like the girls he always praise them in front of me when he saw them... 
but I'm not. I'm just me, myself. 

I think he likes them better than me.
Isn't he?

Then, who am I in his heart? 
The one who helps him to do assignment?
The one who helps him to clean his room?
The one who can fulfills his heart whenever he feels lonely?
The one who can accompany him whenever he feels alone?
Or the one who can be with him every night?

Imperfection happen when the other part starts to tear down the confidence of the other part.
When a guys starts to giving up as he doesn't like your appearence anymore,
that's is a jerk.

For a girl, she will starts losing hope.
What she did all this time, all gone like a wind.
Just imagine, your own beloved tell you that you're ugly,
How do you feel? 
If your mother tells you, "kid, you are ugly!".
It's just a same matter.

I'm not perfect. Who did?

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