Thursday, May 5, 2011

Gambate :D

Tomorrow having the second exam. Then the day after tomorrow will be having the third exam. Oh my. This totally freak me out, because both of them really in the important subject which I can't fail and I hope to do well. QT two and FAF one. I just hope I can do my QT two well because I don't wish to repeat it. I don't wish to see maths again. Huhu. This time I already spent my time revise on it just to hope I can pass it. :) same goes to FAF one. I already done my revision last week. God bless us!

My hubby, I miss you so much. Maybe I already get used to the presence of you. I feel uneasy without you by my side. I miss the moment I argue with you, I miss the moment you mess around with me, I miss the moment you ask me to hug you. :D but I know, after tomorrow we will meet again. Hooray~

It's my bad habit to be with you :( because my life already included you. We both are one. No others. :)
371 days already gone. Love you so much, I hope for the rest of my life there will be you and same goes to you, I guess? :) Hopefully. If you see this, let me know how you think? Because I don't like the feeling of SS-ing alone here. Sobs.

Okeyla, need to continue revise the last chapter. Jiayou for tomorrow 9 am guys. :))

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