Sunday, December 5, 2010

decided to make a decision

When something is not yours, not matter how hard you want it, in the end, it still not belongs to you. It’s same like a human. No matter how hard you have grabbed them in your life to become the special one, in the end they are not meant to be yours.

I think, you are not belonging to me. I tried to hold you and hug you tight, but I still can’t feel the thread between us. How come I still feel so many gaps? 

You are actually belonging to others.
The other who really can give you happiness.
The other who really suit you.  
The other who can make you feel much comfortable.
&& when the other is not me.

I always think that I’m not the one you want today. If everything happens last year, today I might the happiest girl in the world. We have no worries, and we can share anything. Somehow, I feel that we are adding one more bitter memory between today and a day before yesterday. It’s all because yesterday.

Yesterday, you decide to let me go.
Yesterday, you decide to love her.
Yesterday, I decide to love you more.
Yesterday, I decide to hold you.
Yesterday, you let her go.
Yesterday, you want me back.

These memories hunted me for a life time when we are together. I somehow think that there’s something between you and her haven’t solved. I read all your chat logs. You said you love her. But I can’t found any words that you say you want to give up? And the most sentences that make me worry nowadays was…” give me time “ by her. 

If… she is waiting for you, what should you do? Do you lose your feeling towards her? Have you let her go? If you want her back… please tell me. I guess she is much nicer than me…

If you choose to let go, I won't think twice to hold you anymore... I believe fate.

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